Privacy Policy

Data logging

Due to security-relevant events that have occurred, relevant access data is stored each time the web servers of the IT Group for the Humanities (ITG) of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) are accessed.

Depending on the access protocol used, the log data record contains information with the following contents:

  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Date and time of the request
  • Access method/function requested by the requesting computer
  • Input values transmitted by the requesting computer (file name, …)
  • Access status of the web server (file transferred, file not found, command not executed, etc.)
  • Name of the requested file
  • URL from which the file was requested/the requested function was initiated

Purpose of logging

The stored data is used for the purpose of identifying and tracking unauthorized access attempts and accesses to the web server and – in anonymized form – optimizing the web offering.

Retention period

The logged data is stored for a period of three months and then deleted.

Active components

Activ-X-Controls and Javascript applications are used in the LMU’s information offering. The use of these functionalities can be switched off by the respective user by setting the browser program. In some cases, so-called cookies are used on the website, e.g. for the identification of user sessions. The storage of these cookies can be switched off by the setting in the browser.


The evaluation is carried out exclusively by ITG employees on behalf of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University.

Email Security

If you send us an e-mail, your e-mail address will only be used for correspondence with you.


The information offered by ITG contains cross-references (“links”) to other Internet offers.

By means of the cross-reference, ITG provides access to the use of this content (§ 9 of the Teleservices Act). ITG is not responsible for this “external” content, as it does not initiate the transmission of the information, does not select the addressee of the transmitted information and has not selected or modified the transmitted information.

Due to the selected retrieval and linking method, LMU does not automatically store this “third-party information” for a short period of time, so that LMU is not responsible for this third-party content.

However, when first linking to these Internet offers, LMU has checked the external content to determine whether it could give rise to any possible liability under civil or criminal law.

Protection of personal rights and copyright

The personal rights and copyrights of third parties are observed for all content on this portal. In particular, third-party content is identified as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a violation of personal rights or a copyright infringement, we request that you notify us accordingly. If we become aware of any infringements, we will remove such content immediately.